Saturday, July 21, 2018

James Gunn Got Hosed By His Own People

Remember Trump hatin' James Gunn, director of "Guardians Of The Galaxy." LONG before that Disney shit, he wrote for Troma movies. I knew this from reading Lloyd Kaufman's (co-founder of Troma) book and was surprised when he took the leap to make big budgeted kiddie flicks. Oh wait, that's what he was busted for making light of pedophilia and...homosexuality and pretty much everything else.

I have friends who send texts that are far worse, and show me big dick photos. These people think they're clever or funny or that your outrage is what makes it funny. Not really, it means they don't have wit enough to be funny themselves. probably staves off boredom to see what they can get away with.

Wait a minute, that was James Gunn's excuse as well. To push and be provocative. Much like...pretty much everyone in entertainment. And's a problem with Disney? Gunn got yanked from "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" as punishment for something he wrote 10 years ago. Bitch, why the fuck would ANYONE want to be successful in entertainment at this point? The Rat Pack thrived on bad behavior...behind the scenes. Bill Cosby, though guilty as fuck, thrived in being a famous celeb to do shit to women as well. He wanted to be famous SO he can be a dirtbag. Most of the people in the entertainment biz that I know are scum sucking shit heels and NOW...NOW they are pumping the brakes. Okay, essentially self-policing before they give the Conservatives any more ammunition. Those days sounded like a party, these days...having money or fame paints you into a smaller corner.

I feel bad for Gunn, because he was young when he wrote that. Young when he wrote a successful franchise, BUT I don't feel TOO bad for him. He was a very vocal person that was anti-Trump. Not that he doesn't have the right to be, but...can Gunn not see the very "Liberal" idea of free speech has been gutted by the very people he desperately defends. He is a casualty despite how noble he was to fight a bully like Trump and they still do him like that.
That's horrible. And, quite honestly, the definition of fascism. If we don't like what you say, we ruin you. Ouch.

I'm sure he will bounce back, but I certainly hope he learned a lesson about the Left and that he came to the same conclusion I've come to...they're full of absolute shit and full of incredibly shitty people that can't take a joke.

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