Friday, July 13, 2018

Papa Johns Is Done

That dude who runs Papa Johns, John Schnatter, decided to step down as the Chairman and face of the pizza kingdom because of being recorded in some conference call using the word "nigger" to illustrate what word NOT to use.
This happen to some guy up in the Bay area recently too. They were using the word to teach what is not okay to say. I can safely say, we don't need to be saying it to not know not to say it. But the University of Louisville that Papa Johns had their name on decided to erase all connection before the outrage police start their bull.

Okay, people...We've straight up lost our minds over this. First off, you will NEVER stop people from being un-politically correct. You won't. We live in a world where, for our own safety, HAVE to judge. If you don't, you open yourself for terrible things to happen. Society cannot hold the arms of the people back so that criminals can do what they please. What's being trained is that we second guess our instincts. Sorry, White people have crossed the street when they've seen me. Was I offended? Yep. Is it worth putting up a stink? Fuck no. They did the right thing. They sensed I was a piece of shit and no telling what a wide eyed yellow guy is capable of. This is for their protection. Without it, they open themselves up for the next person to NOT consider their instincts and could get hurt. Sorry, a few of us will have to eat shit. I'm willing to take a piss so that others are safe.

Speaking of advertisements at major stadiums, has a Black founded Black owned company ever corporately sponsor a sports team? You could say that is the issue alone. I'd say a corporation with a Black icon...No Uncle Ben's Arena. Or Aunt Jemima Downs? To me, what there needs to be more of, is public Black venues. Like the Darlie Toothpaste Forum (look it up).
Could also draw light to the fact that most Black owned/run companies would rather not put money into promoting sporting events that show young Black men paraded around like cattle. Perhaps. I think it's just because they know how hard it is to earn the money, and don't want anything, like an offensive Tweet to sink them.
The world we live in.

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