Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Trump Experiment

Are we done yet?
The good thing about Trump as President is that career politicians HATE it.
What does that mean? That lawyers (scum-sucking animals) and community organizers (Obama) are no longer viable choices for Presidents. It's actually a guy who says he going to do what he says he's going to do. Even Tweets it.
The thing with him though, he's a numbskull. Had he been more cordial or diplomatic, life would be grand and his critics would soften. But maybe he knows more than we realize. For instance, that the media NEVER backs down.

For Trump, he blasts through like a steamroller with not much heart. As my German co-worker has told me, this is more the German way. Oops. Nazi!
No seriously, it's the working way. In other words, fucking work. Stop fucking marching or protesting. He's doing it despite you. Not because he doesn't hear the criticism, but you almost think he's doing some things a certain way to illustrate why it DOESN'T work. But people are too dense to absorb that. The guy to replace Trump in 2020, if you're really curious, is a person who also puts American first. Doesn't hobknob like a global puppet (like Clinton). Americans vote for your ass. Also, get more jobs back to America. If the unemployment rate hasn't improved dramatically, and there are more jobs, guess what're fucking lazy.
For all the bluster and silliness, Trump's plans seem to be working. Not leaps, but crawls. The sideshow which is...immigration and family separation, transgenders, et al. shouldn't be our focus. It's making Americans happier first. That is the key to the next person to get into the office. And also, follow through. Maybe not as bombastic as Trump, but the combination of compassionate and follow through is going to be gangbusters. Left or Right, that's who we really need.

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