Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What Month Is Yours?

February is Black History Month. June apparently is Gay Pride Month. May was Asian-American Month. No one said SHIT about AA month.

All you assholes do is block traffic. Why not a "Stop Blocking Traffic Month" I don't give a shit about your pride. More excuses to drink...to be honest. And do stupid shit. And that's fine. Just stop fucking having parades over it. Because all you do is piss off the people who are aren't Black Asian and gay.

When did America start doing this? All this also does is make one group "special" over another when America is...America. If you're Black, Hispanic or Asian...you are STILL and American. Pride is fine...shoving Americans' faces in it isn't. So fuck off already. Sick of this shit. We are collectively Americans.
By the way...gay bashing. Not even a thing anymore. Even the toughest roughest guys think gays are harmless. Though don't subscribe to their lifestyle EVERYONE gets along in those terms now. It's not because of forced awareness. It's because someone has someone in their family that is gay. And it isn't a stigma because we can adapt. Okay, maybe media does play a role. In terms of showing gay lives aren't so different than anyone elses'. They're just as miserable as the rest of us. Though look way much better.

There is also no benefit in taking pride in ethnicity or sexual orientation. I don't get a check or anything. Not that money matters. And if people gave a shit about Asian culture they'd seek it out. Not so much the gay community. Unless you go to Palm Springs. That's the new Gay-munity.

I'm sure White folk are very very confused as to why these are even a thing. Hard to say myself. Maybe it makes more sense if I had, say...a Guatemalan wife and wanted her to appreciate my culture for a month. The other 11 months I can get shat on. OR...that it gives us an excuse to eat Asian cuisine, Black cuisine, gay cuisine. I just can't get over the freak show parade.
Look, I totally get it, they're here, they're queer, and the rest of our nation could give a fuck. I think you've already won and don't even realize it.

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