Friday, May 4, 2018

Headlong Into A Feature

So without a script and a few ideas, I'm embarking on my surreal movie. Feature as it were. There is no rhyme or reason, other than I got a lot of film I have to use. But it's suppose to be that side project I mess with when I have time, energy
I'm shooting it all on regular 16mm instead of super16mm and it's expired or not. Black and white, color, reversal color. I can't wait longer.
And it started with just...a rough week.
Equipment at work has been breaking down. Nothing is working right. So it feels like time is ticking down. On top of that...just, working with the shitheads I do now. Everyone knows everything, and it's harsh attempting to make good with anyone. I prefer, well...waiting has been the bane of everyone's existence. I think it's the same when people wait to get married or have kids. It's a matter of time before we just don't wait anymore. And we die waiting. The "real world" presents itself horribly. People are colossal shits now. It's killing my personal drive. Not the people I am around when I'm NOT at work, only when I'm at work. Everyone. Even people who should know better. It's aggravating because no one has ambition. Everyone seems to live in fear.
But I'd rather live in fear doing something I want to do than to live in fear of something that makes me miserable. In my case, the ends justifies the means. be totally honest?...More than likely I'm not going to make something that is completely gangbusters. But, like I've written before it is completely about...just doing it.

I love the support from everyone in the film side. This is such a calico cat of a project. And...I guess why not?

Wish me luck. I'll thank you for it.

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