Friday, April 13, 2018

What Are You Waiting For

Many people, when asked believe they have ambition. I am convince nearly 100% of those people sit on their watching t.v. and okay with working just enough to get by.
The thought hit me when I asked a mid-20's guy at work if he had ambition. He was very very excited to share with me that he did. To which he couldn't give me a concrete step into what he plans on doing to push himself towards that goal. Know why? He had no goals. Step one. Fail. He wasn't even trying.
 Most of America lacks ambition. Happy to breathe enough air to power their legs.

I've run into so many people now who work in and around this sort of...getting by attitude. And it's really easy to fall into. Experiencing life requires energy. Mulling about a failed one requires more. What I'm so shocked about more than anything else, that people are waiting for others to drag them to that mystical land of Ambition. Sorry folks...the cruelest part about this is that despite the ones that will drag you along, you inevitably become a boat anchor.

I've suspected a person recently whose aspirations are to direct films. He's been given many opportunities, but it struck me that most of us who've moved to Los Angeles to pursue entertainment simply feel the greatest effort was to move here to begin with. Really wrong-headed. You toil and grind it out with your head down and chin up. As long as you can. I've witness, many, specifically shooting films on film so driven that it inspires me. Think about that. Ambition without friction is a mudpit. These people who hustle and grind and don't ever cry have my admiration. Others who are waiting for others to guide have my sympathies. On the flip side, I would say to you...focus on the people who support your ambition as well. Too often, we surround ourselves with people who run out of gas. I'm guilty of running on quarter tank. The result is inconsequential to the journey. And more people respect the traveler if he too the steps to walk around the globe.
What are you waiting for?

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