Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Nasim Aghdam The YouTube Shooter

No...not shooting like filming. But she blasted and wounded a few of the employees of YouTube when she went onto their campus in Northern Cali before killing herself. After apparently being disgruntled over being de-monetized.

From what I gathered, she was a nutty animal activist and a vegan, whom we will most likely figure suffered mental illness that went untreated.

The jokes are pouring in and ladies and gentlemen...I am proud of America. For the majority of public comments and jokes...they are about her veganism and NOT the fact that she is Middle Eastern. A proud proud day when Americans ban together for the better joke.
Also, the jokes about how YouTube functions. Again...comedy gold consider that America didn't go for the angry terrorist angle. Instead, we banded together to smirk at meatless chick who most likely went nuts because her message wasn't heard. 39 year old lady...Lady...NO ONE LISTENS to formerly pretty ladies. Washed up angry hags don't get monetized. Oooo..unless there is a show about makeup for unibrows.

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