Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Art of The Laugh

Let's face it comedy is dead. The jokes you make are impossible now, because someone will be offended. Dave Chappelle even pussied out to his audience by backtracking on his original stance on Trump. Guy is such a bitch he had TWO specials to rescind previous comedy bits to tell the Left or "liberals" to calm the fuck down. Yeah, he doesn't need your money, but back down under pressure anyway.
The type of comedy today is really diluted. Any comedian would tell you. You watch the ol' days of Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, you see the fearlessness. Today, because of sponsorship or socials pariahs you can't joke about anything.
As you recall Trump mocking a disable stuttering man. This was classic Don Rickles. And yes, you can say Trump is no Don Rickles or the intent is wrong, but you put that bit in 1972, and you would get kneeslapping laughter. The people who were offended would've just shook it off as some putz acting stupid. Let the jury decide. As it were, it became the backbone of nearly every clip of Hilary's campaign, in what pathetically attempted to paint an already farcical character into a buffoon. Bitch, we knew that!
Which is why I don't seek out the patronization of the Hollywood. They will bend you into believing they are the noble cause. Which is laughable considering they depths they went to hide Harvey Weinstein. The depths in which I ignored, as well. For a place at the table. How sad.
But no more. The democratization of cinema has the machine backing up. Studios are desperately (and quietly) making allies with one another to stay afloat. Sad as it is, they are a dying industry, because the big ones that still exists have too much real estate for not enough product.

SO they can't piss off any corporate sponsors (what few there are left). The eyes aren't on network anymore. They have to cater to America which thankfully is getting guided away from a less politically correct mouth taped society. Which comedians should be praising Trump over. He made it okay to openly speak about society again. As people tire of Trump jokes from hack comedians (let's face it, it's all they had).
Hopefully, we get open thoughts again. We'll look back on Obama's admnistration as the Dark Ages of Comedy...unless you couldn't get enough of Trump jokes.

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