Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Plastic Surgery

Lately I've been seeing actresses around my age get really bad plastic surgery. Is it bad or are we just too high definition digital to see the reality of what it does to your face. Surgery to make one younger has always been a thing. Look at Faye Dunaway. Some are done well, most are bad. Typically you see this around Oscar time. To see what people to do remain young in our business is sad. Yet it is their bread and butter. And though I do not blame them for trying to stay relevant due to youth, it's hard not to feel the sadness that is behind it. I'm not going to tell big name actresses that it's not a good idea. I don't think it's a good idea due to health reasons. But mostly mental health. Trying to stay young is a very psychological thing. Women (and a lot of men) tend to stay youthful for roles they want to keep playing. When a woman plays a mother role after 30, they are admitting that they have aged. So what? The cruel reality is that we will age...and we will die. We must accept these terms if they want to mentally thrive. But we don't live in that world. Charlize Theron will get old and shrivel into a Bea Arthur type. That is the reality. I think they believe the public looks at their younger self, in earlier movies and think how hot she use to be. Perhaps they think we pity them. Not so, the only pity I feel for aging actors is that they, themselves, have to look at themselves in their youth and lament about the time passing. The darkest moments are being reminded that time exists. I know everyone tells them to embrace their age. Then flip it around and mock them for aging. This is the price one pays for fame.

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