Sunday, March 17, 2019

25th Year Reunion

I didn't go.
But I saw the photos and we've gotten old, fat and grey. The three things that kill you in Hollywood.

But in Cincinnati...perfect. Because that's the way humans should be. Holding onto youth is a losing battle. Things will start to ache and hurt. And we're less mobile. I realize a lot of the women did have kids, so you have to take that into account. But also, we were the last generation to be power drinkers, so some people didn't seem to shed that yet. We're in our nearly mid-40's, though today, we rarely act accordingly. Luke Perry died in his late early 50's. So there's that.

They often tell you to take care of yourself. But that's such a vague term. Get exercise? Eat better? Yeah, no shit. But here's issue, the minute you get some ailment, all that goes out the window. In Ohio, people simply ate heartily. Biscuits, gravy and pancakes. It's also fucking cold there. And our metabolism slows. We don't have time for exercise and most of us desperately try to get sleep. That adds to the droopy weight. Also, there is the psychology behind it. One you find a mate, most people just don't care about it anymore. I think when you get past 40, you are telling most people "who do I got to impress?" So pick your mate wisely.

My suggestion to all of you as you get lazy, or more tired or start to eat poorly...change one of the three things mentioned. Just one. Go ahead and eat like shit, but go exercise. OR don't exercise BUT get busy with an activity. Activities keep you moving. Moving IS exercise, but you don't know it. It keeps you busy, mind and body.

Get some sun. Outdoors are great. I use to love the dark and dusk. Because it really was like my mood. Dark and angry. But having sun in your life does wonders as you are older. Put on sunscreen though, because you're old ass will leather. But it's good to get natural vitamin D.
Have a positive outlook on life. I know I sound dire a lot but, in truth, I've never been happier. Obviously little things bother me and I like talking shit about it, but it really hasn't effected my overall feeling towards the future. In other words, I still have "hope" you should too. This from having a purpose as well. And also checking my ego more and more these days. The world doesn't revolve around me. It won't ever. Embrace life.

Though I can continue to gloat at the singular life I've had, or better yet...survived, I know most people shouldn't consider or feel envy at anything based in non-reality.
Make your own life a good one, just continue to have hopes and goals and things will be cool.

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