Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Problem With The New America

Everyone is accusing everyone of everything and to rectify this situation, people are being banned or thrown of the island. Without evidence. Just...words. Thanks Obama.
I say this because, during the terms of G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, we had a ton of fun. Sure, at the expense of these Presidents, but still, they were fun. one could say anything about Barack Obama because it was grossly politically incorrect, no matter how you worded the joke. Comedian Dave Chappelle had a great bit about how the American people would never vote for a Black guy for President, but if he did, he better get the least literate Mexican guy to be his Vice President. Because then no one would attempt to assassinate him. Good stuff. That was before Obama was elected. Then the jokes just stopped. And what did we get in return? Over-sensitive soulless...women. Women aren't funny for this reason. Nothing is funny to them because they're so earnest. About everything. Jokes fly over their heads like a jet plane, because they are constantly thinking. Mostly about how not to hurt other people's feelings. Which is why you hear a ton of passive aggressive tones in their speak (not my Mom though...she's pretty blunt).

This New America is awful. Zero fun, zero jokes. Fuck, you're not even allowed to party your balls off for fear of being recorded, shown publicly and then destroyed financially. Because people aren't having fun, why should you? Funk that. I don't drink anymore, but I support anyone's love to get shitfaced and party their asses off. Like a Yellow Andrew W.K. Not as straight edge as that dude, but you know. What really rankles me is that...people are having fun...somehow...somewhere. And that level of frustration of not being able to crack wise on each other in a fun way is why this new America blows goat dick. It isn't fun. While it's true...there is the extreme. Like the guy who shows his dick to anyone who wants to see it. Yeah, THAT lacks common sense, and isn't funny in the least. Because the person who does that doesn't have an intelligent joke to supplement it. It's just the dick wagging. I think the joke is that it's suppose to be shocking (not if you're known to do that). Then you're a one trick pony.

I digress, please people...let's re-discover what made working class America fun and funny. That we can talk about Barack Obama being a smooth jazz fan. Or Bill Clinton ogling Arianna Grande at the wake of Aretha Franklin. We wasted SO many jokes for fear of reprisal (from the lousy...supposedly liberal Left). These were gems for the plucking. I'm not smart enough to come up with a great zinger. You out there are. I'll laugh along, I promise.

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