Saturday, October 6, 2018

Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Let's be honest with ourselves, this putz honky is the face of everything Klan related. Look at this fucking frat boy. By the way, he was a DKE. Which, at my undergrad, they were the super-nerds. This dude said multiple times how much he loved beer. He's a drunk. We know it. And we dig it. The other thing, he seems like a lame Dad joke teller. Like when he threw back the comment of liking beer or drinking to excess "why haven't you?!" I laughed. Defensive people about their drinking is funny. Though I believe he's a shitty drunk, doesn't mean he can't rule on the Constitution.
This was a roller coaster ride that really kept us busy from boredom. I loved shitting on the Left friends. They're so fucking bored with their lives ( I am too, but at least I have other hobbies, these fuckers are probably going back to building popsicle stick mini-houses).
The best are the celebrities who chime in. There are the usual nutjob suspects. Alyssa Milano and Kathy Griffin and Amy Schumer and a bunch of other women I've dubbed "The Mount Rushmore of Hag" Go ahead and use it if you want.

Look guys, molesting women, or sexually assaulting them turn them into intolerable hags. They're fucking so annoying. Everything is a battle now, because they have to wrestle with that guilt of surviving an assault. And as you are the only dude dumb enough to hover around her, she'll take it out on you. And the odds aren't in our favor. Most women have been assaulted. I've assaulted women (drunk). So we dudes have to knock that shit off, because it makes women REALLY fucking annoying. And we have to live with it. And then they go out into the world mean as fuck. I've been around loopy women, it's Hell.
So help us out guys, STOP fucking assaulting women.
As for Justice know what's really good...this fucking guy will probably think twice about blowing his nose around women. He's got to be paranoid as fuck that EVERYTHING he does now is scrutinized. Not only that...the slightest move he makes could be misconstrued. I think if I were him, I'd issue statement such as "what I've learned about the justice system, is that there are petty people in this world who attempt to undermine you. It's taught me civics on a street level that I have been unaccustomed to. If I were to say anything in this world has changed, is that maybe law wasn't what interested me. But how people can bend the truth beyond the law to attempt to destroy my family's name."

In other words, be better.

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