Friday, March 13, 2020

CoronaVirus Sucks

I'm sure you're tired of reading everything about it from both sides.
To me, the panic is unwarranted and, in time, will prove to be a set back to American economy which reaches more people than we realize. Unless you work for hand sanitizer company.

Every industry is effected by it, including entertainment (going to a movie theater).

This distrust and lack of faith is disturbing. Somewhat disgusting. Since it's mostly the Leftist who are telling everyone the sky is falling. I have two similar friends from the same area of the country that likes to ring the bell of panic. It's comically dumb, because they have very little reason to freak, other than self-interest.

They forget we kicked AIDS ass, H1N1's ass. MERS's ass...look, dummies, we figure it out. It may take us with it, but STOP panicking (which I find funny that I have to panic tell you to stop panicking).
Stress probably will get you before this will.
And also, reading every single article on it doesn't help. Because the media sucks fat hairy balls. They are diabolical. Willing to tank the American economy over constant bad news because their industry is failing. Think of the press as a person drowing in the ocean as you swim next to it. What do you think that person will do? You'll both drown.
So remember that we are resilient. And we are tough. And that being a germ-a-phobe is fine, but to destroy our economy over it is ridiculous.

Maintain the proper etiquette of life and move on.

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