Wednesday, July 27, 2016

PC Police Fucked You

About "Ghostbusters"...I completely understand your outrage, if you thought it was your movie as a kid. But it's not that great a flick. And it's silly as hell. But that's not what I'm talking about. There was this outrage that women playing the roles was the answer. Now...back in 1994, they rebooted another much beloved adolescent movie called "The Next Karate Kid." No one said shit. Why? Because you fucking PC assholes didn't make such a big deal about everything. See, back then...rebooting a series with women didn't draw the same attention because you didn't lavish yourselves with so much attention. You essentially put a target on your back. Was there outrage in the first "Ghostbusters" that Winston Steadmore was Black? No. Because it just was. It wasn't even part of the story. Should I tell you that Ripley in "Alien" was written for a guy? No, it didn't matter.

So you fucking crybabies who want to re-write history with the gender change...YOU are the problem. You make people resent the world. So the only course of action is to double down on their disgust for the remake. It draws a ugly sense of entitlement AND makes you believe Hollywood isn't trying harder. The spotlight hasn't been on "White" movies being remade with a Black cast. Has anyone been outraged. NO! Perfect way to play it. This mass amoeba known as Hollywood is playing you as much as they're getting played. So stop with the outrage about movies you loved and cherished as children. They aren't out to squash your memories. They're out to make money. By the way...and as a side note, this new reboot of "Ghostbusters" is, frankly the ONLY thing this fucking stupid ass town can make. Because you don't go see movies like "The Lobster" because you can't franchise it. SO fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Another side note, rebooting KNOWN characters. My Wonder Woman will ALWAYS be Lynda Carter.

 Aachie foccia bread!
She gives that 13 year old version of me massive boner material. God, is she hot. When Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman I ENVIED the teen boys today. They get to have that fantasy re-imagined. I don't want to compare the two NOR do I want a replica. I understand why Gal is She is sexy, feline, sex-kitten that can also break rifles with her toned back. Don't tell me no teenage boy didn't plotz themselves when she was getting hammered by Doomsday in "Batman V. Superman" (2016). Shit, I'm going to get the DVD JUST for that reason alone.

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