Friday, July 1, 2016

Idiots or Insane

After talking to a friend yesterday, it occurred to me the only way to function in the town of LA is to either be insane or a complete idiot. There's no way anyone can see the day to day and be okay with any of it. Much like the San Andreas, it seems we're all waiting for things to really crack before doing anything. Call it the microcosm of America as a whole. The conversation started with my car being stolen to being told "you can't make people do what you want?" How fucking retarded is this person? Common sense is to blame the thief. Yet, this is the mentality that has spiraled this town into a pit. The sunshine fools idiots to see they've found Shangi-la. The solution, according to this shitbag society is "get over it." Smiling dummies as their homes burn down. In what world have we crossed over where suggesting people not steal a car met with accusing me of wanting to change people's behavior. I had no words. I've spent a good time here, the defense mechanism for a lot of people is to give in. In other words, decide that people are thieves so live with it or leave. That, friends, is the core of the issue. I've been complicit as well. Going along to get along breeds terrible people who know the system better than you. California is asleep. No one wants to hear you ever bursting the ugly bubble. Why? To be as bitter and angry by it? We're losing bad and if you analyze your day to day, you would slit your own throat. So, maybe it's best for those who suffer trauma to bury their heads in the sand. The hypocrisy of it all is that the ones who ignore require the most help. People want watch a fool sink to the bottom of the ocean. Then when rescued, the fool believes he accomplished something. That fool has hopes and dreams yet to realize...who wants to wake up a deluded sleepwalker?

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