Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Not This Time L.A.

The brass ring was within reach. With a surplus of money, I felt comfortable laying down the dough to finally get the mix tracks of my short film “Nick’s Van” completed, and screened. Anticipation came from many people. The promotion was small but strong. Word of mouth, mixed with general interest and plus…after watching many short films within the same genre, it plays more or less much more “Hollywood” than I realized. Short dramatic films deal with a few things that get right to the core: suicides or the death of a loved one. Yes, mine does deal with that, BUT BUT BUT…it isn’t about that. The focus really is to move on with your life and stop trying to outrun your pain. I’m not sure I made this up, or I heard it somewhere but it’s really appropriate…don’t run from your nightmares…embrace them. To run from nightmares means fear. Fear of failure, loss and pain. These things haunt you and the most comforting thing is to flee. It’s also the easiest. The reality is, you must understand your fears and accept them. Hold them as a beacon of your path. In other words, use that to your advantage.
The project imploded a few days before I was about to wrap up this short film. It’s now over a year. My fear now is the same most people who get to the finish line have…it’s now been too long for me to want to feel people won’t like it. Too much effort, time and money. Anger, sadness and a roller coaster beyond explanation. Me dragging my heels simply meant I was just waiting for something terrible to happen. And it did. My car was stolen.
I used this as a crutch long enough. People felt great sympathy but don’t know the truth. It is…
…I may not have cared enough. Let’s step back a little before I get admonished for this statement. What I meant was…most people drag people through complete garbage to get to the finish line, then drag them a few inches more. I think my confidence was shaken to NOT take that extra step that is required to sustain momentum. This is the elephant in most rooms. Like another short that mutual friends have worked on that will never see the light. Except, in this instance, I have no other choice. A week ago, the potential was a agonizing mystery. When will I EVER get the money to finish this. Then a lot of uncertainty where others stood on the project. EVERYONE in post-production…failed this project miserably. This is not blame, this is truth. The blame lies in my ability to control the situation. In a big studio world, there is a calendar date to which people MUST be done. My dime, my calendar date. I am disappointed I haven’t treated this as a business. Or rather, my personal life has effected my business. The minute your confidence is shaken, this town is grim. I mean, shadows-with-eyes grim. What’s the solution? Fuck this world. Move forth and cram your talent down their throats.
That’s right assholes, I’m staging a comeback to finish it. A full out assault now. As much energy as I can muster. I’ve sold off a lot of items, slowly climbing back to where I’d been before. And getting this into completion. I am CONVINCED this is the cinder block weight that is making my insides churn.
So friends and neighbors, fuck this town called Los Angeles. I’m better than it and the people who’ve gotten many more chances. I’m here and I’m working and I’ve gotten a second…er…I mean third wind to keep pushing. It’s not when you succeed in life that makes it worthwhile, it’s how many times you get up. Shit, no wonder retards are happy.

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