Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cops...Pay For Meal

In Pennsylvania, a couple refused to eat next to a group of cops. As a gesture of friendliness, the police paid for their meal with a note that they are good people.

Since when are cops suppose to be your friends? They're not cool parents who let you drink in their basements and buy pot for you. They're authority figures. And I get it, it's your mentality that it's us against them. They should feel comfortable with that line. YOU should feel more comfortable with that line. The whole idea that cops are out to get Black or Brown people is ridiculous. It's just unfortunate that crimes like these are perpetrated by these people. It's not fucking media either.
So now what? Distrust means cops have to be your bestest friend? Even if the feeling isn't mutual?

This all went to shit when kids started calling their parents by their first names. Fucking assholes.

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