Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Happy Mother’s Day, you motherfuckers.
I like the concept of this day. It’s to celebrate everything mom has done. For you 16 year old whores, who are clearly ill prepared to take care of your brood, I hope it means something more. Like people judging you.
For the rest of us, it means taking mom to a place they give shit out for free. I’m half way tempted to find a homeless lady, ethnicity be damned, and take her to an IHOP for a free sundae or something. Then I can whine to her how poor I am, or how chicks don’t like me. I call that a win-win. But somehow I’d be seen as a dirtbag and this moment…cruel. Pfft. I call it ingenuity. She gets a free meal, I get to vent.
My own Ma loves crazy shit like that. She doesn’t like the homeless though. I think because she lived on a farm, she considers the homeless of America like they live in royalty. To be fair, she never did say she hated the homeless, only that one Thanksgiving I’d told her I was going out and giving away turkeys to the homeless to which she blandly replied “why?”
Not that I asked her to explain, but she did add that a turkey one day, doesn’t do shit (paraphrasing, my Taiwanese is terrible). She also believes that Mother’s Day is every day. Actually, everyday is really HER day. I think it means that we should all live life to the fullest in that one day to celebrate means nothing. You should celebrate people daily. I think she might’ve been wanting to get off the phone fast, but she did say to me…”I think about you everyday.” That struck me pretty hard. I think about family in general. But in my thoughts, they are…blobs. I have two sisters I communicate with. So I suppose that’s celebratory enough. It may mean that she thinks about all her kids. If we’re eating okay and if we’ve been driving safe. She’s a stickler for the driving thing, even though I haven’t seen her drive in over 10 years.
The image of a mother with an apron and a meatloaf in pyrex baking pan in hand are long gone. Some Mothers do enjoy that image still. I had a fondness for that type of American Mother look. Though my own mother wouldn’t be caught dead cooking or cleaning…which was odd considering how much they’ve taken to the American culture. Perhaps it was just the wide open spaces they enjoy. I know my Mom likes that space. Especially the moments of hiding in her bedroom watching Chinese soap operas. In that way, she’s more redneck than I ever assumed. My sister has a very bad reaction to cooking and cleaning as well. She’s lost many a relation because she’s very adamant about the lack of domestic skills. I have no problems doing the basics. And I don’t recall either sister ever spending the time doing any of chores. It just miraculously got done (I’m guessing my Pop and I just got tired looking at the mess).
Anyway, I hope all the Moms out there get the respect they deserve. Carrying our dumb-asses for so long in their gut must do a number on them physically. If you can’t appreciate that, then I feel sorry for you.

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