Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tamir Rice's Mom Wants LeBron To Sit Out Games

Remember that kid who got killed for a toy gun in a playground by the police?
His Mom is wondering why LeBron James isn't protesting the fact that the grand jury isn't indicting the officer for the shooting.

Personally, they should've at least charged the cop. That was weird. If you saw the vid, cop came out shooting. It's just weird. That aside, do you think LeBron, since he's also Black, believes in your cause? Not sure what the cause is, but it seems important. And, not to be very stereotypical, the fuck are you soliciting a basketball player. Why not a government official? Because he's the most famous person in Cleveland? It's pretty sad, when we lean on someone who shoots a ball into a hoop for support.

Listen, it's not that LeBron doesn't care. It's just he's freakin' too busy and too rich to put himself into a situation to deal with something so petty. What does she expect? That by some miracle, boycotting playing basketball will turn the decision around? Pretty dumb.

Like most people who've the government failed, continue the fight, but just don't think you're entitled to people because of your of the same skin color.

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