Thursday, January 7, 2016

"Demolition Man": Future Told

I was watching “Demolition Man” on Bounce network. It’s basically poor man’s B.E.T. as they broadcast shows that cater to the Black community. I’m trying to figure out where we stand in life in terms of segregation. Are we against it or for it? Seems television is for it.
Sorry, sidetracked there…
“Demolition Man” is really prescient of the life we’re headed for because of the fucking Millenials. On paper, the Utopia which has no crime, no cursing, a regulated healthy lifestyle seems amazing. However, it would mean that we lose fatty foods, dirty sex and cigars. Our society today seems to be headed that direction with things like…hurt feelings. We are punished for thinking thoughts that don’t gel with others. What happens is that we have a massive blowback for the next generation. To which, guys like me will relate better with. The people in their 50’s now irritate the fuck out of me. Not sure why. But when I meet that age range, we never get along. Especially in this town. Maybe because I blame them for the start of when America lost all manufacturing. They are very similar to Millenials. Brats who play.
Now that we’ve fashioned a society where everyone gets a trophy, why bother trying. In San Angeles (the fictional future world in this movie), they’ve swung so far the opposite direction because of a benevolent idealist by the name of Cocteau that re-organized their world to gradually become docile and compliant. In contrast, we’re at that point where we’re actually considering Donald Trump as a presidential candidate because of the brush back of this supposed idealistic world we tried to create.
I am really not sure what the answer is. In this movie, it’s about finding the middle ground we can all live with. Or we may need another Demolition Man.

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