Friday, January 12, 2018

Singer Seal Is A Hero

Calling out the bullplop that is the Hollywood assaulting machine, singer Seal blasted Oprah for her sanctimonious speech about how we can all do better and women speaking out. Yep...that was until Seal tweeted out that Oprah knew all along and pretty much enabled Harvey Weinstein to be the predator he is.
I know what his point was, which was mine as well. Shut your fucking hypocritical face. Not only does she benefit financially from Trump, she has the brass ones to blame America then toss in a Black lady who was raped and murdered by rednecks. And civilization is lapping her up. Are you fucking kidding me? The people in the audience are the assaulter. Get it? They are the ones who if they don't clap loud enough will have the spotlight on them next. Instead, Oprah blames us men. Then White men. What's next?
That should be the hashtag.
Or Seal's message is great too. #sanctimoniousHollywood. Yep, this movie business is SO full of it, and themselves. This is why I don't mind spending my own dough on projects that may never be seen. Because I don't want to play ball with these fucking douchebags. And Oprah of all people. Seriously, OPRAH! Who was sexually assaulted has the nerve to pretend to play ball with Weinstein. To perpetuate her brand, most likely. Or because friends of friends. That's cowardly.
Let's put these in terms Oprah understands...Rosa Parks sitting at the front of the off a White guy to be able to sit there. That's how little I think of Oprah and her upper-middle class idiotic followers.
You GO Seal.

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