Sunday, January 14, 2018

Ironic Cinema v. Cult Cinema

I guess there's a delineation between 'ironic cinema' and 'cult cinema.' I prefer the latter.
What I hate most about ironic cinema is not being able to learn much from them. I would consider "Rocky Horror Picture Show" a cult. "The Room" by Tommy 'ironic cinema.' Should you celebrate terrible art? Well, that's the title of something labeled that. One whose ambition extends past any skill. It should be known, there is also another movie about to be release by Tommy Wiseau. The ironic director in question.
I like he has this unfettered passion to make movies. Though, if book writer Greg Sestero's opinion should be believed, he cared more about fame than craft. He "acts" like a filmmaker, and doesn't necessarily like filmmaking. Which has its own value, from the person himself. I doubt it holds any water for real filmmakers. At least, I hope not.
Tommy Wiseau's new flick will also get distribution on name alone. Forget if it's any good. This is mixed messages to anyone who wants to follow the studio template. Of course, this is also the exception and not the rule.
What's aggravating?
I despise the cult this has created. And most people would probably accuse me of jealousy. Nothing could be further from that. I pity him. In fact...the moment James Franco sandbagged him at the Golden Globes is exactly the crowd that hoists him on their shoulders. Interactive cinema belongs to failed performers who have no stage. Precisely why it soars in Hollywood. There is nothing you can dissect from the project other mock it. I don't go to the Getty Art Center and start drawing mustaches on Monets. This is the equivalent. It is a re-defining of cinema that was ALREADY made to suit your story (essentially, you can do it with any film).
The very worse part is when the industry people solicit me to see this film in the theater with other people who live in irony. This gives me cold-stare-itis. It's actually insulting. As I'm sure they feel insulted at my next response..."how are you the educated elite...and still watch self-flagellation?"
I can enjoy cult cinema alone watching it at home. It's sad that you can't view "The Room" without another participant giving you reassurance what you are witnessing is art.

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