Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Michael Sandford: The Trump Assassin

This illegally-entered-into-U.S. 20 year old limey, could've proven a point had he taken a cop's gun and killed the Don. Instead, he reinforced the idea that walls should be built into America, and that perhaps we are too lax'd when it comes to the freedoms at these things. Which, in this case, was a rally in Las Vegas.

The other problem is...the election hasn't even happened yet and people already want the hairplugged one dead. Well, if you live for the extreme, extreme people will meet you halfway. Perhaps Sandford thought he could impress the unshaven chicks of the Left American trim that would gladly marry him in prison. Yeah, we got some really retarded women here. Think about the dumb broad who married one of the Menendez brothers (killed parents). Either way, this didn't really make that big of news, which is odd. The freak death of Anton Yelchin gathered more steam than this dude. Which may say something about how little we care about whether or not Trump gets killed.

This kid'll get raped in prison. Then was it worth it? Maybe, seems his other option was death.

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