Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kelly McGillis Attacked

Remember her? The sexy trainer in "Top Gun." And a great lawyer in "The Accused"
She was attacked in her home in Hendersonville, North Carolina. On top of a mountain.

I don't know how far you have to get in the world to ever feel safe, but for the most part, a lot of us can't afford a mountain or island to escape humanity. The fear is palpable. Unfortunately, the more news we hear about violations like this or my car stolen...this is such a terrible way to exist. I'm not sure many people realize the virus it is to be violated. I would never compare her attack to my property being stolen, but violation is violation. Maybe the people who commit these crimes against others feel they are just passing on the unfair nature of the world. They may feel they are righting a wrong done to them...on complete strangers. We represent the world, I suppose.

People have also mentioned that I should move from where I live as well. I most definitely considered that. But Ms. McGillis's situation put it in perspective...which I've know even before it, wherever you go...even to the top of a mountain, freedom isn't much of a freedom if you have to dodge the criminals. Because you can't. As much as you would like to lock your way into some hermit dwelling and get off the grid (like one of my sisters has), the world peeks in on you. Keeps you on your toes.

I don't living like that. I'm sure no one does. The point is to adapt to the new world that's in front of us, instead of a blind optimism of a bygone era. I would also hate to start really hating humanity. At the ground level, we aren't bad people. Even the assholes who took my car. The strength and steel core of our being needs to maintain perspective over the ones who are too mentally weak to fold and cycle their criminal behavior. I can only pity people like these. It really is daunting if you've ever been in an uncontrollable situation when all you can do is put up your hands wondering how someone could do any of this someone else. The logic is that if I don't bother you, you wouldn't bother me. I would thankful you cannot think like this. I am grateful it was just my car, and not endangering my family atop a mountain.


I don't like guns but if anyone deserves one:
From Kelly McGillis Facebook:

For those of you on my feed that are telling me that getting a cc permit is not the best choice for me to make, well let me fill you in on a few things that have lead me to this decision. Which by the way, I have struggled over for a long long time. Not being pro gun fanatic. When I was 12 I was gang raped by three men. Later while in College I was living in NY I was held up at gun point. A year or so after that while finding the subway I was hit across the face a few time by a man long who wanted me to give him some kind of a response to his calling me 'just a white bitch.' Remarkably or not, no one on the train offered any kind of assistance. Not long after that is when two men broke broke into my apartment while I was there and repeatedly rapped me. I have been stalked by and ex girlfriend who took great pains to try to poison my animals and wreak a swath of destruction of my personal property. After each one of these attacks I moved thinking I could find a safe place. Not. The incident Friday night has now pushed
me over the edge. It has been my tipping point. No I am not a victim. I am a survivor. The last few hours I have
been alternating between tears, anger, despair and the 'why me' of it all. And if one fucking person out there something like 'why not you' I will go absolutely ballistic. A cute little phrase to make all okay? For Me? It will not be okay. I am
now left with all the terrifying feelings of PTSD and trying to pull
myself out of the very depth of the all consuming depression and despair. All
that background pain has
pushed itself to the fore of my psyche.And those Demons are raging inside me right now. I do not ever want to feel violated again. Ever. Hence the conceal and carry. All I have ever wanted is to feel safe. Safe in my own amhome. And now two separate times has been broken. I have thought about it long and hard. Ever since 1982. I don't know why this shit keeps
happenIng to me. Bad Karma?So a
wierdo magnet. Am I supposed to be getting some kind of lesson from all
of this. Or is he Universe out to get me? Or God? I don't know if there are answers. I just know I am deeply frightened. I can't think. I can't eat. And I am terrified to be alone. And the worse neighbor heard me
screaming and yelling help and my car alarm going off and did absolutely nothing. That is the kind me of world we live in. No one is willing to help
their neighbor, the stranger, their brother of sister, he orphan or the widow. That's why I am going to start carrying a gun.

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