Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Death Of Kate Spade

She was worth a ton of dough, but killed herself very very young.
Suicide...I dunno. In American culture, it's considered a very selfish act. You don't fully realize the people you leave behind. I'm sure it's mentally a deep dark place. But's hurting people who cared about you.
In the Far East, some suicides are considered an honorable thing. The Japanese think so. It means as you grow old, you don't want to be a burden to your family. That's how my Grandfather went out. Quietly at a park. It crushed my Dad and his brothers and sisters had to contend with the reasoning, other than my Grandfather had served with a Japanese military at some point. I think it was pretty brutal whatever he saw during war. He never spoke of it. Was very quiet. Somewhat mean. He always considered my Mom less than his own family because she grew up on a farm. I recall defending her one time as he spoke poorly of her.
Kate Spade, Chris Cornell, Scott Weiland, Kurt Cobain, Prince..yeah, some of these may have been accidental overdoses, but...I know so many people asking that question "Why?" they were so rich and famous. Why? There are a lot who want to tell you that "money doesn't buy you happiness" I've said that pre-Kate Spade. To me, money really doesn't buy you happiness. But hustling for money buys you misery. That's the issue. Unless you do something you truly love, it's a daily grind out to just survive. And we aren't even that primal anymore.

I think about the issues she must've had. It's hard to fathom, other than her worry about her kids, her finances, her name. Everything to a public mogul must be amp'd 1000 fold. Which is why we, in the trenches, tend to function much more. Too busy toiling to worry about ways to go out. Or question the existence of God. What they say about idle hands, I suppose. I live for the simple things. My friends who've recently had small windfalls of money...they still have bigger dreams of how to spend money. Buying BMWs or rent a nicer home. This does not make you more content. So what does?

You really want to know the secret?

Lean in...'s...

Simple. Be grateful of the small things. It's all small. Once you complicate your life with expensive things, it consumes you. And you can't function otherwise. A man with many properties believes he will have none. A man who has nothing only has the sun in his face and wind in his hair. And is grateful.

Be grateful everyone.

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