Monday, April 20, 2015

So You Want To Direct Movies

Anyone can direct movies. You could use the phone in your hand right now and film something and call it a movie. I’ve had the privilege of being around directors who have both longevity and acclaim. There are a few that come to mind…Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Oliver Stone.
The names mentioned above, if you’ve dealt with anyone who’s dealt with them know a few things: they never compromise. And they do research to the point of obsession. There are libraries and books dedicate to every project they’ve committed to. They write novels of research, so they become the expert of the topic. And this was made prior to shooting the film. The post (dependent on studio schedule) is even thicker. Stanley Kubrick was known to write volumes of research on movies he didn't even make.
These are the qualities that these directors have that people often do not. Moreso, even, people don’t have this type of focus anymore. In the functional world, this type of obsession is IRRITATING. Most can’t stand being around these types because their lives are consumed by the project at hand. Passion drives them. To every detail.
In my short films, I tend to lose myself into the details too. To a point where it sometimes drives you nuts. But, I do short form, can you imagine a 2 hour feature film? It’s insanity. And you have to love that part of it. For my last short film, I probably watched it over 1000 times. Luckily it’s 5 minutes long. But I got to a point where I had to put it away for a little time, or I’d drive myself crazy. Again, if you want to know what separates the ones who keep making movies and the ones who don’t, it’s this quality. But be prepared to put a lot of your life on hold. Many people do not want this. They see the glamour. They see hobknobbing with celebrities. No one really knows the truth.
I recently heard a anecdote of Michael Mann. He is 71 years old. And just finished a feature that didn’t do well at the box office.  He seemed to have been obsessed with it. 20+ hours a day just working working working. For him, it probably wasn’t work. It was his life. 4 hours probably set aside just to eat and a nap. This is a 71 year old guy. And lived through the 1980’s. The cocaine decade. And it hasn’t slowed him. Here I am a 40 year old who is already exhausted. I often ask myself if I have the restitution to be a director. I don’t know if I do. I do know that this preoccupation seems unhealthy. But all these star directors commit that much into it. Can you do it with anything in your life? Are you willing to sacrifice your life for your craft and art. Because while you’re sleeping, eating or watching t.v., these guys are fine tuning, tweaking details, writing, and thinking of their next project.
Do you have this in you?

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