Thursday, May 4, 2017

Universal Health Care

Look, even Hitler wanted universal health care. But here's the do you pay for it?
Time was people had a tacit agreement with each other that said they wouldn't take advantage of the situation. Now we got guys driving BRAND NEW SUVs who are 18. So, the liberals say I shouldn't judge. Nope, this asshole is the one that is keeping it from happening. YOU should judge. You should feel that the money that went to fund this asshole's ride with shiny rims is what is preventing everyone from getting health care. Because it's not just about the car. It's about taking advantage of the system and being proud of it.

The idea of health care for all is a great notion. But it doesn't mean, for the idiots or illegals who come to this country, you exploit it. Immigrants back in the day felt an unbelievable responsibility to give back. Now...nope. That agreement is gone because people are actually celebrating bucking the system. So now we have people having kids they can't afford from countries they flee from so....they can take advantage of America's dying industry. Yes, some irony, is dying here, because being a doctor is synonymous with being...uh..a mechanic. It doesn't have the prestige it use to have because they're treating people who are fucking with the system. And in this miserable state, they have people who willfully find ways to take away from federal. And it will continue to get worse.

I am surprise the Left do not see that their own people are the ones causing this awful mess. When I was in college, I didn't go to the doctor once. I couldn't even tell you where the hospital was. If this offsets someone else...ONE OTHER PERSON'S use of hospitals multiple times...I'm for it. In fact...I didn't even have health care from my folks (they didn't see a point). Nowadays, you'd be insane not to get it. The horror stories is that people go bankrupt over it.

So, if we're demanding universal free health care, also remember to get your citizenship and pay for the others as well. It's funny how when you start to pay for things, how you start to see other people who exploit the problem.

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