Monday, May 8, 2017

"Anthropoid" (2016)

A suck ass title that meant nothing to Americans. Unless you are a war history buff. Or I’m just stupid.
This was the operation name for the assassination of SS General Reinhard Heydrich. Hitler’s 2nd on command and the dude who was giddy about the exterminating of…pretty much everyone who wasn’t German. The architect of the Final Solution. You almost have to wonder what would happen to the Japanese had they dominated the world.  I get on the Germans for being too pussy, but after all the new stories of carnage I’m learning about WWII, I think I understand why they don’t want to seem like that anymore. Just be passive aggressive).
According to history men would be ordered to parachute into Nazi occupied Czechloslovakia. In this case two men were sent to take down this madman. Jamie Dornan plays Jan Kubis and Cillian Murphy plays Josef Gabcik. Their bravery is documented in their resolution to end war.
BUT, this movie does address a fascinating topic. What is the price of potential loss of lives? Heydrich’s potential death would draw terrible retaliation. The ultimate question of whether or not you could time travel back to assassinate Hitler, would you do it? Is actually addressed in this movie.
In history this attempt was seen as the turning point of the war which they estimated saved millions of lives. The heroism is never in “what could be done” it was listed as “what are you doing today.” Sure, these were direct orders, BUT, they are also human. Which they both found a brief glimpse of love, which shows them a bit of what they’re fighting for.
The performances are strong. It is raw and true, as with most war movies. Director Sean Ellis expertly films war at ground level. And builds the tension of the event with documentary style. It was also shot in Super 16mm which adds just a touch more grittiness to the movie.
Excellent watch!

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