Friday, April 7, 2017

WTF is This And Why Does It Keep Happening

New people who haven't done much rely heavily on people who have.
So I thought.
People who haven't done much seem to think their school projects amount to experience. In "the real world" So you do your best to tell them what is an idea to do. Which they will inevitably hate. Not their problem. They only see one perspective. And cannot understand that anything can be interpreted in context.
Fine and dandy. is the rub. So, they don't like your challenge them to come up with better. And they do! problems ask them for a script or a shot list or...just an idea of what they want. Crickets. Nothing concrete. No other ideas flowing. Nothing. Zero. Zip.

This has happened twice now.

The first was a cooking thing. The talent didn't care nor wanted to contribute. Until they saw the project...then they couldn't stop coming up with ideas. I think I get it...
No one in this town (at our level) has vision.

Vision is seeing potential. No one builds on foundation of ideas. Instead, wants to fix one that is already built. Why? Because they're fucking lazy. It is easy to criticize and put your nuts on the chopping block. But if an idea fizzles, you look the fool. A person who repairs a bad idea can walk away thinking they did what they could. That's cowardly. And why I haven't seen many people my age do shit. So afraid of "failing" Rather fail from the bleachers.
If you don't have the sack to take charge, you are null and void in any other conversation.

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