Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tough Women

The women in my family are really tough broads. Both my sisters owned their own homes before they were even in their 30’s. When I went to Taiwan, my aunt is the most successful out of the many brothers and sisters my Dad has. On my Mom’s side, I visited the farm and hung out with her niece She had recently just buried her husband. Not sure what he died of, but there she was at the textile mill churning and spindling away. It’s hard physical labor. But she showed up every morning. My Mom seemed proud that she withered the storm. She lives in a massive four story home with the rest of the family. The place is so big, the upstairs bedroom is unoccupied and they never got around to remodeling it. These people make their own food in their own yard and eat it every night.
When contrast with American women, I get really sad. This is the pool in which most of us have to draw from. While it’s true, men these days also seem lethargic…it’s at least a part of our DNA to be the provider and feel as such.
I doubt my cousin ever thought to herself equal work for equal pay. She just did her work and proud to have a vocation. I think that’s the problem with feminism today. Though I could throw out a lot of their theories, much would most likely be thwarted with the fact that I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. The very nature of having an organization or title that symbolizes the separation of the sexes, should tell you all you need to know. For us guys, it’s usually an activity that symbolizes man stuff. Going hunting or golfing is man-ism. I preferred figuring out my motorcycle.
Point being, women like the feminism title as a function of…well, functioning. Gloria Steinem isn’t looking out for your best interest. She’s trying to sell you a book. Women can be tough innovators. But constantly pointing out who’s worth and who isn’t doesn’t help. I do agree showing women do cool shit does. And that for sure has changed.
I’m very impressed by the women in my family. They’re tough, go-getters. They have no real use for men to guide them. The tradition of American steps to matrimony doesn’t appeal to them. To me, if you can instinctually overcome that ideology, your value on Earth is immeasurable.
I think about the O.J. Simpson trial. Mostly, since Nicole Brown was brutally murdered, simply by existing. What was her dream back then? Did she have the slightest thoughts of making anything of herself besides a housewife? Regardless of what families say, being a housewife is tough, IF you are sincerely one. Hiring help is not being a housewife. She assumed the role, but didn’t seem to relish in the title. Feminist tend to point to the brutal murder as a woman who had been abused. Though Nicole had exhibited rude, rich bitch housewife tendencies. It’s perfectly okay to think it’s okay to be a leech…if you’re a woman (murder aside). The biggest issue women have in this case, is…when you sign yourself away to be a  kept woman, assume you are owned. Feminist should never champion this behavior. The idea that a woman is entitled to go to where the money is. To me, that is the most debilitating of a woman’s full potential. Yet, most women, in confidence will secretly dream of a wealthy man sweeping away their problems. That ideology needs to change before women get anywhere in life.

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