There is this thought that goes around this town about people entering America illegally. Crossing borders and then taking up the systems that Americans get taxed on.
Many people, with a kind heart, say "well, if you deport them, who will do your cheap gardening or your fast food." Hey dumb-dumb THAT is the problem. You think they will work for cheap. They won't. They will work for a fair price. And the flip to that is...they aren't documented for taxes. And to top it all off, they can vote. And guess who they'll vote for? Someone who doesn't require documentation, so they can work and not pay taxes...because they're not documented.
And before any of you dumb fucks ride me about how my parents were immigrants. Back in 1977, the average immigrant HAD to go through an in depth screening process. You had to have someone vouch for your purpose in America AND they had to declare themselves financially responsible for your existence in this country. There's a reason why they sneak through borders, because it' a massive hassle. So you bleeding fucking heart morons who support illegal aliens in this town because they want to better themselves are straight idiots. I get that you think your parents or ancestors immigrated here for the purposes of making America great. Awesome. Here's a gold star. The problem is THAT ideology got on a boat and rowed back to the homeland, because it definitely can't stomach the excuses made for people who come to America, don't give a flying fuck about the flag, allegiance or whatever. It galls me to see the proud flags of their nation being flown. Why the fuck did you come to America then?
And before you accuse me of being a Donald Trump...I'll be more than excited to watch you take on the welfare of a society that is slowly busting at its seems. I don't want Trump to win, but as far as his policies on this goes...I prefer a system where you have to prove America is the country you want to make thrive.
I realize the people who support illegal/undocumented/sanctuary cities have a good heart, but they aren't the ones paying for it in the end. It's impossible. So, when the shit does (and has) hit the fan, the hands are tossed up and the responsibility thrown to the public. Nice work, assholes.
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