Friday, February 19, 2016

Celebrities Irk Me

...I'm not sure why. I've been around a few now. So it goes without saying, they do have a sense of entitlement when you see them. The odd thing is, most will try their hardest NOT to come off as entitled. Which...yeah, I know they mean well, but you know, they're rich and shit.

I don't think I have a twinge of jealousy when it comes to their success. I would hate to be famous. I mean, I can't imagine being completely ignored for my asinine viewpoints, magnify it by 1 million and it'd be embarrassing to anyone I cared about. And that's another thing, I wouldn't be able to tell who likes me for my obnoxious self, or who's putting up with my shit because they want something. I think that's why famous people's entourage are irritating. Because they keep the normal people at bay. And their obnoxious star leech behavior means that they are more honest about their intentions than a person who sucks up to the star. Because they're from "back in the day."

Maybe it's just me though. My perception is fucked. I go in already wanting to hate celebrities, so naturally whatever they do already annoys me. Like they could be pleasantly writing letters to their sweetheart and I'd be like "lookit that asshole over there, thinkin' he's better than me. With his pencil and his paper and his muscular calves. Fuck that guy." All the while, he's just focused on his pretentious poetry to his girl.

Man...what a world.