There’s this guy I work with. Annoys the fucking shit out of
me. And I figured it out. I think he’s a robot.
There’ve been a few times I’ve hung out with him outside of
work. And I’ve seen him malfunction. He dresses like what he thinks a man
should dress like (even though his programming seemed to end in the 1970s) and
he talks in measured, unemotional, non-specific tone. Like a computer. When he
does laugh, it sounds like what a robot thinks a human would laugh like. Then
it goes frozen again. He also really likes to spread a lot of “whites are better”
vibe. He was curious why I felt this way, not about him but to others.
Obliquely, I mentioned a friend of mine invited me to his wedding but his wife,
while being a left wing, vegetarian cause-nutter, gives off a vibe of being
bigoted. I’m not sure why. She seems like that socialite woman who has a cause
to get behind, but throws opinions at it, without really knowing what she’s
supporting. Only that it’s all hunky dory universe we live in. Which it’s not.
A sheltered person gets to think like this. Anyway, Robot (which I’ll call him
now) seemed to have flipped a switch and really interested as to why I would
feel this way. I couldn’t quantify it with anything substantial other than it
was a feeling me and my friend Roxanne got. Roxanne being a black woman who was
also at the wedding who I’ve spoke to about the odd invite to her wedding. We
both believed it was to show how liberal minded she was, even though her high
school chums were lily white. Change is good. And good for her, but I’m talking
about Robot here.
So Robot, could process that someone can “sense” something
wrong. The programming in him didn’t allow him to accept that Roxanne and I
both sensed something odd about Miss Lily. He proceeded to ask me a lot of
pointed questions, to which luckily my shift was over and left. Robot left with
so much more to learn…as Johnny Five was also starved of data.
And I thought at first it was curiosity, but I think it was
self-preservation. Robot has showed many signs of his own prejudices. He’s
skinned of a white male, with blue eyes and sandy brown hair. To him, this was
grounds to be the superior model of robot to others. According to the
manufacturing date of his creation (he’s about 50 years old). But Robot is
uncomfortably odd around women. On the many times he’s assist me in photo
shoots, he’s gotten at the edge of creepy. He once shared with me that a girl
at work stopped speaking with him because he had given her a gift. He explained
it was just a friendly thing, and it seemed to have tripped him that the
friendliness wasn’t reciprocated. Robot’s malfunctioning board didn’t take into
account “give women gift=they like you” has to be uniquely accepted by the
recipient. You can’t just go robot’ing into the office with gifts for no
reason, a conversation and such would be appropriate. The girl in the office
also happened to be half his age. To which, Robot seems to prefer. His
interests aren’t their interest…ever. Robot doesn’t understand about humanity.
He processes human behavior and thinks he can replicate. So he is a lonely
Anyway, Robot has a tendency to whine a lot. Just this
Friday, he whined about the fact that our department has been gutted by death
and dismissals. And that he is the only one who can do the work required. He
does the work fine. But he really seems to be stressed about the minutiae of
things. Things that don’t really matter. I told him it’s a good thing to be
needed. Robot doesn’t understand this. In fact, we got into an argument about
another employee who quit years ago and left a DVD Robot had given him. To
which I replied “Yeah, he’s known to be a flake.” Robot didn’t like that
response, he shot back with “I’ve never known him to be a flake.” The fact that
he gave a gift to this guy, and he left it behind, you have to acknowledge that
the guy was bullshitting you. But Robots don’t understand being humored. I pity
Robot. I think his core is dying from the inside out. A fan doesn’t kick on
like it use to. A frayed wire somewhere. I believe he’s starting to understand
robots, like humans will have a shelf life. To which I think when things
understand a termination date, their natural programming is preservation.
Robot doesn’t understand how to process anger, sadness,
happiness, and so forth. Even if they seem like it. I’m sure we put the emotion
on inanimate objects.
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