Monday, November 16, 2015

Radical Islam: the global issue

Radical Islamic jihadist needs to be labeled.
….even our most nutty of nuts in the borders of America don’t travel to Beirut and blow themselves up. For instance, the Black Panthers don’t infiltrate the Middle East to spread their message. What does that tell you? This isn’t about their need for money. Or revenge really. This is all about the annihilation of people who don't share their ideology. Fucking awful.
Now you assholes who say “not all Muslims or Islam believe this”, but it’s hard to ignore ONLY people who believe in Islam believe this. SO fuck you. We have nutjob Christians in the country that don’t go to Egypt and blow up a hotel. They don’t hijack planes. This PC sensibility is going to actually get people killed. What is known as “soft targets.” Where cowardly terrorist take advantage of our tolerance.
And it doesn’t just effect us…
This from the BBC: Kenyan University Massacre
So let’s start to be less chickenshit about calling a spade a spade. Islamist may be taking the written word to be truth and causing these deaths, but they are scriptures that don’t seem to have any real dissenters of their actions globally. If you blow up your own, Allah be with you. But this is getting really old, NOT admitting who the real culprits are. They admit to be Muslim. If you accept Caitly Jenner admitting to be a woman.

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