Thursday, November 26, 2015


Recently I've been bored out of my mind, on my days off. I have a lot to juggle in terms of finishing my own projects, but because making movies is collaborative, it's near impossible to get things done. I don't really look forward to downtime anymore, since...I stopped boozing. Boozing took up all that down time. And something to look forward to. It would also jog a lot of energy to get shit done. Surprisingly. But those days are over.

I get overwhelmed when I am in resting state. I think my Dad suffered the same thing. And I believe this is why people die shortly after they retire. He did the smart thing and returned to the kitchen as an employee. To keep his hands and mind active. Not that I'm defined by what I do, but I always like something. I think why I've vomited on this blog. Just to keep the mind moving.

I was tinkering with my camera, attempting to figure out a pulse issue. Yes, an electrical pulse issue. My brain doesn't work that way. It does have a pulse...just not geared towards things I can't see. An oscilloscope was what the man in a thick German accent had mentioned. To check the running rate before the camera dies. It's a lot.

A top of it, I constantly have stories running through my mind. I just bought more film and want to tap into the next project as soon as I can. Just because. I have no delusion of grandeur, just like to make something. So holidays seem to bring it all to a grinding halt. I do miss the family this time of year. I think most people spend this time with their family (or football) and food. Not to catch up, but just to remind you why you are always running around like an idiot. All the bullshit at the office. Has to be worthwhile to read to your kids or watch them play a football game or just...sit there wondering about them.

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