Monday, November 30, 2015

Religion Sux

In the 80's we didn't have people who wanted to completely destroy America. We probably did, but we' I mean, we're jovial people who want people to love us. We gave you big breasted dumb blondes dancing on Trans-Ams, why would you take us seriously? Hell, we made a movie about a teenager that turns into a wolf.

Well, it's not that Reagan was such a lovable rah-rah guy, because Americans were so funny loving goofy oddballs whose only culture was loud and colorful. We were the uncle who was fun at all the parties. The perception maybe trumped the reality that we weren't pious jack-holes to the rest of the world. Why even level a group of people who want no other purpose than to throw a block party? Except Arizona State. You keep your "Playboy's Party School" awards, I'm too lame for that.

Uncle grew up and found out he had cirrhosis. Which means, fun's over. That also means we're now boil meats and any fiber we can cram. Also, the people who weren't invited to your party?..they'd like to dance on your grave for not inviting them. While you're sick.

Can we please admit at this point, religion hurts us all? If it isn’t Islam, it’s that idiot who shot up Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs. I’m really not saying NOT to follow God or a God, only that you have to think that if you believe God is within us all, we are really pissing someone off by what we’ve been doing in the name of righteousness. It’s a hard balance, since most good is always overwhelmed by some really dark. Therefore, every damn religion is terrible. Or has the potential for corruption. If I knew there was a poison inside a mystery bottle of soda, I’d ban soda. Because if one life was lost to it, it’s too big a risk. But I get it, most of our governments don’t give a shit about collateral damage. A psycho is a nutty psycho no matter what. Tell that to the parents of the murdered.
It’s so easy to believe what you believe is the way of life. It’s not. The only rule is live and let live. Somehow we screwed that up. Because of God. Or Allah. Or whatever.
A thing about abortion. I have no opinion of it. I guess since it’s never come up. I’ve only been with women who were rabidly against it, though supported it for others who had no choice. I would never want to bring a child into the world under those type of circumstances. Even if it meant adoption. Funny how close “abortion” and “adoption” are spelled. My feeling is this, as it exists now, the ruling is that abortion is legal. That means the people against it, need to put away their nuttiness over it for the time being. Change the mentality of our country, then you get your say, and I’ll be more than happy to shut my gob.
A final thing about people who defend unborn children. It seems very narcissitic that a person believes there is “consciousness” in the womb. It’s downright stupid. I can’t remember last week for crissakes, and you think YOU would know what you were like in Mom’s womb? Give me a fucking break. That’s cornball shit. If you have that type of clairvoyance, you wouldn’t be living in a trailer out in the middle of nowhere, you’d use that power to pick lottery numbers. Asshole.

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