Friday, July 24, 2015

Van Stories

My friend Vince and I sat by the pool and conjured up a van story. To which we filmed.

A month later I ran into a friend who told me he was making a man living in his van story.

I will have to say...if I were to give any advice to this other van story, there are just a few bear traps I never considered. Making van stories conjures up A) rape B) murder C) abduction D) all the above. And you can't convince people otherwise, 'cause you'll sound rape-ier. Never mind in my story, I add in a prostitute. Haha. The perverts are going to lynch me. Cause this is a man's journey story. I know...dullsville for the raincoat crowd.

By the way, the people who are too young to get that reference, back in the day, you'd go to theaters to see your pornography. They'd wear raincoats to jerk off underneath. Kinda' weird if it's not raining. Total slush if it is.

So, do yourself a favor and side step the van stories if you can. Most likely you will constantly have to be defending the artistic merit of a guy who lives in a van and DOESN'T get rape-y.

The odd part about traveling with Vince in this van is...people who've lived this lifestyle are magnetically drawn it. It's weird. They have to stop and stare in respect. Most seem to look at it like Kane did to Rosebud. The last time these people were happy.

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