Thursday, July 2, 2015

It's Nice To Know I'm Not Alone

I love that guy who tells you the opposite of what you think you should feel...
Me: "Oh fuck, this is one big climb on an iceberg, uphill in tube socks."
Dude: "You wanted to make movies."
Me: "yeah, but do people have to make things so hard. It's like when I put out one fire another one starts."
Dude: "If you're not having fun, stop doing it."
Me: "Whaddya' think I'm going to be like if I stopped making movies?"
Dude: "Oh shit. A real shitbag."
Me: "We're in the communications business and no one communicates"
Dude: "What's that suppose to mean?"
Me: "Means people don't give you bad news, don't give you good news. They just stop talking to you."
Dude: "that doesn't help."
Me: "Fuck no. I don't get it. Then wait till the last minute to share their feelings. Then when you're upset they didn't get back to you sooner, it's YOUR fault."
Dude: "Christ man. Sounds like a marriage."

From an article in Variety
“Stress is a condition of your job,” said "Birdman director Alejandro G. Inarritu. “If I’m relaxing, I start to think something is wrong.” The three-hour event — traditionally held on the morning of the DGA Awards — drew a capacity crowd of about 700. Jeremy Kagen moderated, as he has since 1992. “The Grand Budapest Hotel” director Wes Anderson, who’s directed eight films, evoked major laughs by asserting, “I’ve gotten much less confident…I say to myself — it’s going be to over eventually.” Morten Tyldum, director of “The Imitation Game” allowed that he becomes alarmed when there are no problems on the set. “If it goes too well, there has to be something wrong,” he explained. That comment prompted “American Sniper” director Clint Eastwood — who’s won the DGA Award twice — to reach over to comfort Tyldum and say, “You’re the picture postcard for stress.”
Eastwood also said he makes every effort to eliminate stress from sets, such as bells going off or assistant directors yelling. And he never says “action” or “cut.”

It's not wrong to be scared.

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