Thursday, July 30, 2015

Trump As President - Meh.

I've no idea this was possible. I wouldn't figure a guy who is so opinionated about so many things could gain popularity. And people actually listen to the dude.

I think it's because he is so convinced of his opinion. I don't know what Trump stands for or what his solutions are, but it's funny how many feathers he ruffles just by spreading his name around. Do people like him? Yes. Very specific people, it seems. And people in the shadows as well. He seems to be the type of person someone can like, but not admit in public you like him. He is pretty raw in his statements. Kooky in beliefs. But...I guess his appeal is that we're all sick of the bullshitters in politician. He may be _______ (enter your critical label here) but man! he committed to his statements.

I think there is something to be said about that. I feel his novelty will wear down. And whether or not he actually has plans to make America better is for the public to decide. I've frequently shared my lost of faith of American people as a whole. But as individuals, we're pretty cool people, when we want to be. Two former bodybuilders were Governors, because we're convinced they may be able to crush the fiscal giant that looms over our village. Maybe hit it with a folding chair. At least do something.

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