Saturday, September 16, 2017

"mother!" (2017)

I loved this movie.
It's painfully aggravating when it comes to the parts where we see absolute chaos. Or when Javier Bardem who is simply listed as "Him" is clueless as to his wife's pleas of stability. What is this movie about? To me, it's about gratefulness. Here is a man who is clearly older than his wife. She is beautiful, dutiful and obedient. Everything you'd want from life as a man, but from her point of view, it's something of a dungeon cacophony of choices. Do I know anything more about these two? Nope. The commentary is that we are absorbed in so much in life. It's moody as hell. It absorbs you. Consumes you. It is a movie where you could really be pissed because it isn't rooted in any reality. Like surreal cinema.
It also plays a lot of what you think are...metaphors. But not really. A ton of connections to God and Jesus. Biblical of the birth of a child. It's haunting, because there is a brutality and cult and...the beginning and the end.
I know, this is REALLY esoteric. But it moves really fast, and isn't as confusing as people make it out to be. I think people are trying to fix something in their head before moving on with the next bit of information. My suggestion...don't. Enjoy the movement and the journey.

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