Thursday, September 28, 2017

Michelle Obama Said What???

“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” Michelle Obama said during an onstage interview at Inbound, a marketing conference in Boston.

I guess you have to fight crazy with crazy.
This reinforces my theory that women don't want fair, they want everything. And they laugh about it too. If not for pussy, no one would be listening to them. Truth. No even Barack. Now she's clearly stating women are actually too stupid to make up their own mind. That they should be voting for Hilary, simply because she was a woman. Kinda like how they voted for Barack, because he was Black. Wow. I'm not sure how to put this in words, but for a woman who is educated, that lacked a gross amount of common sense. I'm sure in her mind, White rednecks voted for Trump because he sounds like a redneck (which may actually have truth in it). But that was a weird statement to make about women voters, because you basically showed you hand how little you think of them.

Incidentally, people are catching on to the whining Left. They're not necessarily turning Right, but they just don't want to hear this shit anymore. 

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