Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hurrican Irma

Cat 5 hurricane, which is suppose to wipe out Florida. I think they said it was the size of Florida.
So people are finally evacuating. Which, I think you should be able to use public transit to get out. But we're talking tens of thousands of people. Can you imagine displacing that many people?

You could say it may be nature's way to re-take Florida. As we know, some of the worst news comes from the town south. Though I am concern for the old Jews who retired there. Now that most people know flood insurance is for shit, maybe some people will go down with their ship.

Nature is so freaky, because you can't control any of it. These people who put up aluminum siding to stop the wind...I dunno, seems really weird, since it uproots the home from below. Or washes your ass away. Maybe these disaster movies really did predict the shit that befalls humans. Maybe dinosaurs were wiped out by triceratops that didn't want to move.
Stay to the high ground, friends. Good luck to Louisiana, I feel they are next.

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