Thursday, August 11, 2016

Help Us White Man!!

The new trailer came out for "The Great Wall" with Matt Damon as some...defender of something. Directed by a guy who I didn't even realize was still alive (Zhang Yimou)...he directed my favorite Chinese movie EVER "To Live" Imagine my surprise when the outrage was against a White fella in this movie say...over what appears to be a...fucking dragon! Yea, apparently whilst building this thousands of miles long monstrosity, under the weighted bones of my ancestors...dragons or something attacked the wall. I thought it was Mongols.

Anyway, back on point, there has been a backlash of White folk teaching their ways or defending a defenseless (enter color people here) society. The complaint is that they assume it takes a White dude to fix different cultures problems. I didn't read into it like that. Okay, just for a split second, before I realized how stupid it is to bitch about a movie we haven't even seen. For all we know Damon is some Asian dude's bitch. For all we know this cracker is paying off a Ming vase he broke as an indentured servant.

You assholes who are bringing up "The Last Samurai" I'm not entirely sure you watched the movie. Because in the end Tom Cruise actually becomes MORE samurai than most Japanese people. He wasn't stealing the culture, the culture enveloped him. Why weren't more people embracing the fact that he was promoting Bushido over Scientology.

So anyway, a lot of White culture had made the world better (sometimes!). But, making movies to change history or whatever, we're in a fantasy world dudes. Who cares? As I said when they blasted Cameron Crowe of White-washing his movies, it's his movie to make. Make your own. And put anyone in there that makes any other race a foot stool and see how far you get.

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