Friday, October 17, 2014

Women In Front Of Cameras

Women love to be photograph. Though they may first feel self-conscious and awkward, they are usually grateful and happy that someone thinks they're photo worthy. But I think it's something more than vanity. You remember when you would go into the attic and find a box of grandma's stuff. Some dusty cigar box somewhere that had Polaroids of what she looked like when she was young?'s that. I think women like to have their grandchildren in the future to look at nicely taken photos and say "Lookit when grans was young she's hot!" We said it when we saw it (though no record of my grandma in their 20's existed...poor folk and all).

It's a really cool thing to see. And I hope I don't come off as judgmental at all. Since, yeah, at some point my kin will look at younger photos of me and wonder "what happened there?"

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