I wanna preface this rant by saying, I don't give a flying fuck what you smoke or drink or shoot up.
But please shut the fuck up about it. The people who smoke weed irritate the fucking shit out of me. Unfortunately a LOT of them are educated people. Too educated. Imagine if they put the amount of energy in research to find reasons to legalize it as they did to find the cure for cancer. That shit would've already been cured. But instead, it's all just to justify getting high. WHO FUCKING CARES? Why is it important to let everyone know your stance on it.
So far, I've had two separate girlfriends at two separate times of my life who found weed to be core of their existence. I understand when it was the college girlfriend, but a 40 year old who got busted growing it at home is downright redneck stupid. And then to go on a crusade to fight for the legalization is plain retarded. There are SO many more enriching things to do with your life then to come up with reasons to smoke pot. All that fucking energy you spent defending it, could've been to get your fat ass into a gym. I promise you, it's far more practical to wage a war on obesity.
Go ahead and smoke pot. I do on occasion. Though it makes me tired and apathetic, doesn't mean it doesn't have its purpose. But STOP fucking posting links to research your stoned addled mind found while trying to find the closest head shop. It's not that important.
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