Monday, September 22, 2014

Fuck It, I Quit...

God, this is going to be the next big thing. And we're all going to be sick of hearing it. The phrase (and new viral crap) is this phrase "Fuck it, I quit."

It gained a lot of notoriety when a newscaster on some Alaskan t.v. did it on live air. And, yes, shitty of me to add more attention to this, but I wanted to share a few thoughts about this.

People seemed to have this really hardcore fixation on telling people to fuck off. Especially to your employer. I wonder how many people would have as much conviction in creating their own business, having it be successful and employing others only to have them tell YOU the same thing. "Fuck you, bro, I quit." What exactly is this empowerment? Because the "system" isn't in your favor, you tell people to cram it? How does that necessarily create a more determined society. How does this build character?

We're losing in this war against entitlement. We think we deserve so much more than what we didn't work for. Or suffer for. Or sacrifice for. Why? Because face rich fucks keep stealing from the poor. Yet plant flags of thought that we need to chase the dangling carrot. Listen, I don't give a fuck what rich corporate America does. IF the position exists AND you care to climb the ivory tower, guess what, happy fucking climbing. If you don't feel this is your path, keep your fucking mouth shut, because you're going to be floating in a vacuum for some interminable time (to which you will eventually die).

Now, this stupid cunt is starting a crowdfunding for her cause. So weird. This woman who publicly went on camera to tell her employers to fuck off is relying on you to fund her. Do you want to give money to this cause? One that abandons all hope, ye who enter?

I believe she will fail miserably. Not just at this endeavor. But in life. Because we do intrinsically know, we don't always get what we want. And if you throw your hands up and give in, then you're the fucking problem, NOT the solution.

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