Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Modern World Screwed Up Families

Lately, I’ve been thinking about marriage and kids. Autumn always makes me think that. It seems to be the season where I feel the weather change. The smell of burning leaves. And football. Yeah, totally romantic.
I’ve been thinking how lucky I was that I didn’t get married when I was in my 20’s. Feeling luckier even now. Yes, no one knows what I would’ve been like if my life had taken that turn, but I do sometimes see it through the eyes of my friends who did. One is divorced with two daughters. One has two daughters and lives in the country. He finds new and interesting projects to build around the house. He seems content. Even though, somewhere I realize he must be bored to tears (considering the guy had more wanderlust than I ever had).

Me? I would’ve been a shit husband. Probably an abusive drunk. As it were, I can’t stand taking orders from women. No matter how good the sex was. On occasion I’d be a dick and stay at work so I wouldn’t have to listen to her shit. Or knowing that she was preparing dinner, left her alone. She was bored and alone. Waiting for me to come home from work. This eventually led to more boredom. Until she moved into my tiny studio apartment. She was definitely in nesting mode. I was in “let’s see the world” mode. These two do NOT work. She eventually dumped me.

I feel that that idealized world doesn’t exist as much anymore. If you would survey many men and women, I feel a LOT would want it to go back to what they remembered. In my generation, it was the mom at home while the dad went out to earn money. Yes, rearing children is tough (I honestly don’t know how my mom did it with three kids, other than her Chinese soap operas…it’s surprising she didn’t drink. She didn’t do house work, unless push came to shove though, very odd lady). I think feminism (even a lot of women would agree) broke down a woman’s ability to use her sex as a platform NOT to go out into the world. Man or woman, who wants to deal with the public?! I mean honestly, people suck fucking fat shit coated cock. They’re demanding when not meaning to be, confused, angry, lonely shitty people. We all are (especially me). You wanna deal with a guy like me? Of course not.

So, this whole notion that being a mother is a full time job. Yes, well so is being a father. It’s not like going to work puts a stop on the timer of being a dad. My pop would take phone calls from me at work (fortunate that he owned his own business). He also took time to fish and go watch movies too. Cleaning after kids and making sure we didn’t stick our fingers into light sockets is rough too. But, didn’t really slow my mom into watching those soap operas while gnoshing on watermelon seeds (Asian thing, look it up). Keep in mind, the shit you get outside the walls of your home doesn’t come from someone you’re related to. But because you're getting paid to take shit, you have to eat shit.

Life out in the world is shitty. Shitty for everyone. So if you decide to stay at home, for the love of God, DON’T tell me it’s harder. Harder is getting a earful of crap from someone over the age of 60 who can’t listen to you tell them why something doesn’t work. Then having the 60 year old follow through with his own plan. Only to have it cost the company money. But it was on your watch. Or having someone under the age of 30 rolls their eyes every time you talk. Or think that you’re an enfeebled fuddy duddy. It’s really not the same. The work world blows. And it’s meant for shitbags like me.

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