Sunday, November 5, 2017

Gender Fluid

I use to think that's the shit that comes out of women to lube your schvantz before sticking it in.
Nope, it means the dude or chick identifies as the opposite, I think...or not.
A guy recently got convicted of killing a gender fluid person. And though he is going to prison, Feds still want to charge him with a hate crime.

It got me thinking...
...what if the killer was gender fluid?
If I were to identify, if I were born a dude, as a woman at that point. Then I'd be put in a women's prison and live the rest of my life around women. As sexy as that may sound, it probably isn't. But it beats getting ass-raped. Unless, that IS your thing. Then you could identify as a man. And get your buffet of Hillshire Farm in the tuckus.
I'm really surprised this is even a word. In the 8 years with Obama it seems we've gone to live the way we want to and not be ashamed of who we are. Yeah, that's fine if you are all about interracial relationships and abortions (yes, I did say that). But, to have a mental problem and say that's okay. Guess what you get? That Vegas shooter (to whom I will not name).
I only blame Obama's America because the same rednecks are coming out of the closet over Trump. Which is why we'll bounce back ten fold on the next president. is going to be.

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