Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I hope you know by now my cynicism towards votin'.
I really envy those people who take this seriously. To go through life, taking precious time to have your voice heard through a punch card...I'm really awed by the faith you have in the system.

I do get the meaning though. America is democracy...er...was democracy. That ended for me when we bailed out car companies. Although I'm sure there's more to the story than realized, it seems in this case, it was...we choose when to honor democracy. Much like my feeling towards voting. There was a painted on button on kid's rides at ______ (fill in amusement park) that honked the horn, or turned on lights. Did it really do anything? Nope. But it's nice to know there's a button to push, I suppose. In the end, no one does anything for you or me. Especially you, since you're voting.

And I know the cornballs who tell me if I don't vote, that's just as bad as giving in to the evil doers. Or it's a vote for them. That's the attitude you are voting against (by the way). That attitude is "if you're not with us, you're with them." But no one can see this hypocrisy.

Okay, I get it, if I don't vote, I don't get a say. Fine. I'm giving up all those great moments of "say" Like...when I go to the DMV, or that really great firm stand of "say" I have with the IRS. I'd say, this faith-based power in numbers is actually pretty delusional. But, don't let me convince you otherwise. You're looking out for your best interest. And if that residual effect trickles down to me (which it never has) then you'd believe I were an ungrateful fuckface.

So which is it America? Remain silent and goof off on the rest of the nation or vote and get to talk mad smack about everything. You know what the funniest conversations are that I hear at the gym, well besides if they'd bang Halle Berry or Scarlett Johansson...actually which first. Or Chris Hemsworth (I AM in L.A.). It's when they go "I voted for that guy twice and he hasn't done shit for me." Seems the only one voicing their opinions are the numbnuts who are always dissatisfied about their candidate.

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