Sunday, August 16, 2015

Short Film Festival

God are short films done today bad.
First digital movies look awful projected. If you don't have a Hollywood budget it looks like turd. End of story.
Second...anyone tells stories anymore? Amongst the ones I saw last night, many were just concepts. For instance, one was about a guy who couldn't tell his father that he loved him. This was a comedy. You see where it's going. Another one was about two guys who steal an ice cream truck, even though it begins as two people planning a trip to Europe. These were the comedy section.

We began by watching a few dramas. Good god. If this constitutes the best of the best raked from around the world (which by the way, my company sponsors, which is why I got free tickets), we are in trouble for the future.'s hopeful for filmmakers like me. As I was walking away, I told my friend that I thought we had an advantage. We see how the big dogs make their movies. So in our mind, anything is beneath us. I do sort of compare it to karaoke. We really want to see the seems. We HATE the ones who come in looking like polished Hollywood. Therein lies the grand joke, these are supposedly the future and they can't see the difference the digital world has vomited on them. They are happy with the results, when the movie feels like an overblown soap opera. Looks awful. SHIT SHIT SHIT! Jesus, people are dumb.
And these fuckers also have a budget. Watching this garbage last night, does lend to a lot of confidence. Though I personally shouldn't go too far with it. I'm not suppose to be running with the guppies, I'm suppose to be swimming with the sharks. And those people don't waste their time watching these efforts.

I will say...people are getting more sophisticated. Too bad they use this to do DUMB things with their bright shiny new gear. A crane shot with a digital camera is easy, doesn't mean you should use it. To be completely honest...the 48 Hour Film festival yielded better results. I know there were politics in this festival, in that we saw some celebrities in the short. An unfair advantage, sure. Good to know they are willing to be in crap too.

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